The Man of Sin is Revealed: Donald Trump Perfectly Matches the Biblical Description of the Antichrist

Trump is The Man of Sin“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.” – 2 Thessalonians 2:3

That well-known quote from the bible has been a source of much speculation over the years. In recent times, names such as Henry Kissinger, Prince Charles, Barack Obama, and quite a few others were called “the man of sin.”

Yet, there are very specific traits that the bible describes as being a part of this antichrist. To name just a few, he will be exceedingly boastful; a warmonger who will seek to conquer others; he is described as a “little horn” (eg, trumpet), and will arise from many nations, tongues and peoples.

Beyond, he is described as being a vile man, with a stern countenance. A man who will eventually magnify himself to such an extent, that he will call himself God.

Donald J. Trump IS The Man of Sin

If there is one thing we can say about Trump, it’s that he has led a VERY sinful life. He has cheated on multiple wives, stiffed contractors, acted immorally and unethically, and is nothing short of a pathological liar. He is the very definition of the Man of Sin.

His boasting is so common, we’ve almost become immune to it. In fact, he as spewed some of the more ridiculous boasts you can imagine – from his IQ, to his wealth, to how many awards he has received – on and on.

In the articles on this site, I will go through how Trump EXACTLY fits the description of the Man of Sin as describe in the bible.

Don’t be deceived by anyone telling you that he is a Christian. Or that he is a good man who simply BS’s a bit too much. He is far beyond that. He is the likes of something we haven’t seen before: The Man of Sin. ♦